Well only a slight update,
No pictures though yet maybe next week perhaps :)
Both Current boards are now framed, started lay a section of track on one of the boards,
But the layouts plans have changed again, if I didn't mention Previously the layout is going to be in total length of possibly 17-20ft long inc fiddle yard, Station area will have two platforms and also a relief and maintenance/goods sidings for storage of Track Machines, Locos (Thunderbirds) and Spare Units or Coaching stock.
Slightly of topic:
After a nice walk up the Old Ripponden Branch Line I thought to myself this path looks a lot wetter that usual, but I found the problem.....
One of the Drainage Channels have been blocked by debris, weather it was deliberate or from the Recent Weather I thought to myself, think I should come down one day and unblock it myself, then the Track bed can be traversed more easier than it is now...
Just up the Valley on the More Drier Part, Surprising how much of this Line is still acessable,Someone should build a Heritage Line of Some sort up there :)
Until Next Week....